
Table of Contents (Online Help)


Group Member Repayments

This screen enables a user to make group member loan repayments, savings deposits and payment for stationery for loans taken by group members who are tracked at group member level and members can get individual loans.

Note: The loan acquired by a member as an individual loan can be paid for through the client's group member saving or the normal loan repayment under the loans module Loans/Repayments and Loans/Repayments/Group Member Repayments.

How to make Group Member Repayments

To make Group Member Repayments you go to loans\Group Member Repayments. A screen like one below appears:

Note that the system will calculate the loan amount expected for each group member as at the date selected above

As seen above, the amount in the loan repayment column has changed from the expected amount loaded to the one chosen i.e "15,000". The same will apply to other items selected (i.e. the savings 2,500 and stationery 1,500).

The total amounts paid will then be reflected in the corresponding fields below. These fields are read only.

Click Save button, a pop up screen appears with the message "Are you sure you want to post group member repayments?" click on Yes button to have them posted and you automatically exit the screen.

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